Westshore Nurseries in Banks, near Southport, are a large-scale chilli producer who supply picked chillies and young plants to various UK supermarkets. We visited them in April to install a 200Pot easy2grow system to run alongside their current drip irrigation set up. A few weeks in and the plants are looking great. Nursery owner Joe is pleased with the progress and looking forward to see how the AutoPot grown plants compare to those in his run-to-waste system.
We hope to visit Westshore once a month and will post photo updates on our Facebook page. Click Here to visit our page and follow the progress.
We’ll be setting up two further commercial trials over the summer with aubergine and strawberry producers. If you’re interested in using AutoPot systems on a commercial scale then please call the office on 0844 858 1520 or email us at mail@staging.autopot.co.uk